The Story So Far
Dianne has arrived in London, from Brisbane, Australia, in search of adventure...

Latest Release
AN OLD GAME FOR A NEW NORMAL is how Dianne responded to the Covid aftershock.

In Performance
Interested in seeing Dianne's performance works? On stage and Screen...
AFTERMATH is out now and available to buy in paperback or eBook from Amazon, or free with KindleUnlimited.
AN OLD GAME FOR A NEW NORMAL is how writer, Dianne Stadhams, responded to the Covid aftershock. Follow the clues and see if you can guess who the winner will be.
It’s one of the selections in an anthology of fiction in many forms published by Chapeltown Press.

RESOLUTIONS is a themed multi-author collection from Bridge House Publishing.
It’s a collection of challenging and thought-provoking stories... with a resolution... that will astound and delight you. ADVENT CALENDAR by Dianne Stadhams is the opening tale of caution. Anybody like wild boar hors d’oevres and chocolate... or seen my wife?
Also available to buy in paperback or eBook from Amazon, or free with KindleUnlimited

Doll Face is out now and available to buy in paperback or eBook from Amazon, or free with KindleUnlimited.
When Tilly and Jane Doll are taken hostage on holiday, they decide to tell the world their version of the truth and what justice is all about.
Fourteen-year-old Tilly Henderson-Smythe is articulate with attitude, and was born with Mosaic Down’s Syndrome. But she’s not sleeping. Her parents and school are worried. She is sent for PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) assessment after being taken hostage on holiday by a local group disgruntled over land rights and tourism development. With a secret passion for dodgy websites, and an appetite for just retribution, Tilly's view of complex issues goes viral.

Dianne is also a contributor to the anthology MULLING IT OVER. Also available to buy in paperback or eBook from Amazon, or free with KindleUnlimited

Dianne's latest work - LINKS: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN...is available to buy in paperback or eBook from Amazon, or free with KindleUnlimited.
Dianne's other works include SNOWFLAKES and MEET MY MATES a Book about what happens when a drum dances, a bird reads a book and a crocodile plays football.

Dianne is an award winning Writer-Director who has specialised in media and information impact research in the developing world.
Major projects include working with Gambian state television to produce its first documentary on tourism and an international children’s television series called TADA THE DANCING DRUM - which accompanied her book - MEET MY MATES.

From the Stages of London, to the boards of Bristol, Dianne's plays delve into values and ethics with wit and drama. Click each title to find out more
There's AFTERMATH a thriller exploring how and why we make decisions based on ethics and faith. NEVER BLACK OR WHITE a dark-comedy debating what tourism development means. SH!T a compelling story of an eclectic mix of five friends competing for love or luck. MAD, SAD, OR BAD A comedy about faith and ethics - when God goes on holiday, he leaves his son to sort out the lost souls in limbo. LYSISTRATA - THE MUSICAL A musical comedy challenging public awareness about development issues in our media-mad, football-frenzied world.

an Australian awoke in London.
In fairy stories the streets were paved with gold and the Queen was keen to share afternoon tea. But Dianne soon discovered...
Roads littered with potholes and refuse...
Trains travelling under the ground...
Locals hanging out in pubs not palaces...
and it rained. A LOT!
But it wasn't all grubby streets and dirty puddles. There were galleries stuffed with amazing creations... theatres offering magical experiences of entertainment, education, elation and encouragement...inspirational music and performance arts.
To celebrate Dianne tossed away the Akubra, donned a purple hat and began her new life...with more whoopee than whimper.
Adventures in wonderland embraced an international marketing career, a PhD, directing theatre, directing films, writing books, composing poetry, creating a wilderness retreat...as Dianne collected awards, secured publication, attended performances of her works...and chased squirrels, deer and badgers who raided her tomatoes and raspberries.
In short a life well lived...with more to come...in the year ahead...another novel, an anthology, a community play in Cornwall, a film in development, more tomatoes and raspberries...watch this space...
COVID-19 has curtailed theatrical performance for now.
Check back here once restrictions on theatres are lifted to find out when and where you can enjoy Dianne's work.